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ecs schematic
When Verilog/VHDL design(s) are synthesized into the gate-level netlist, how do you import the netlist into ECS schematic environment ?
Because I am doing the digital design, and I use the ECS schematic to do the module interconnection. In order to integrate the whole design into the same database, I hope to translate the gate-level netlist into ECS format.
Anybody can help me ?
I know the $ynopsys 33a (1998.02 version) has the ability to write the Verilog gate-level netlist into ECS schematic(s).
But how to do this in the later versions, such as 2000.05, 2001.08, and 2002.05.
For V!ewDraw.
P0werView/W0rkView can read-in EDIF schematic, and most logic synthesizer(s) are able to export this format. So there is less issue.
But for ECS, I have checked the current version 5.11, it still does not have this feature.
When Verilog/VHDL design(s) are synthesized into the gate-level netlist, how do you import the netlist into ECS schematic environment ?
Because I am doing the digital design, and I use the ECS schematic to do the module interconnection. In order to integrate the whole design into the same database, I hope to translate the gate-level netlist into ECS format.
Anybody can help me ?
I know the $ynopsys 33a (1998.02 version) has the ability to write the Verilog gate-level netlist into ECS schematic(s).
But how to do this in the later versions, such as 2000.05, 2001.08, and 2002.05.
For V!ewDraw.
P0werView/W0rkView can read-in EDIF schematic, and most logic synthesizer(s) are able to export this format. So there is less issue.
But for ECS, I have checked the current version 5.11, it still does not have this feature.