Using several tens uF ceramic caps is OK to earpiece.
The original configuration is bead + earpiece from audio chip output pin, but sometimes the earpiece may be burnt coil.
So someone guess the issue is caused by DC, so they decided to series caps.
But after my simulation, there is self-oscillation @freq<10Hz with cap+bead+earpiece config.
And the verified result is the burnt coil rate is much up after series a cap.
My simulation using 50 ohms termination, and got dB(S11)>0 @freq<10Hz.
When I set port to 500 ohms, dB(S11)<0 but dB(S21)>0 @ freq<10Hz.
The result is werid because there are only passive components L/C in the path.
So I guess originally there is some very low freq self-osc there, and series cap worse that situation. What do you think?
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I think dB(S21)>0 @freq<10Hz is normal due to interpolation of the simulation model.
But dB(S11)>0 is abnormal, right?