How to handle and simulate inverted serial signal on WWVB receiver?

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Newbie level 1
Dec 1, 2012
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I'm trying work with the output of a Symtrik RFT-60 WWVB module ( From this datasheet, it's an inverted serial output.

Out of pure hobbyist pride, I tried a MAX232 just out of pure thought that even though the input on MAX232 is TTL CMOS 0-5+ (which is surely was exceeding), I thought that would flip the high/low bits for me, and although I did see the flip-flop changes on the output with my multimeter, the software I was using to read the input at the time (radioclkd2 - **broken link removed**) wasn't picking up start bit side of things.

I wanted to prototype my signal decoding algorithm in a higher level language before moving it to C with an AVR microcontroller, but maybe I just start at that level.

My other problem, since I can't really rely on WWVB signal to be 100% from where I live, so I want to simulate the segmented 60-bit transmission broadcast signal for test input. But that's for another post.

What would be the best and easiest 'hardware' way to convert that signal back to straight RS-232 logic? Or is there a way that someone knows on a software UART level (under Linux or in some language API when you're working with a serial port) to configure your end serial port to read inverted signal?

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