How to go about learning PIC microcontrollers?

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 13, 2005
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i am well versed in 81051/52 programming

ive also done quite a bit on 8085 µPs

i now want to venture into PIC programing

so i would like to know how to go abt it

1)wat bk shd i refer

2)_which PIC µCshd i go for

3)is programming for all PIC µCs the same?

newbee to PIC µCs

first of all go to and read the PIC tutorials on that site.

there are many books related to PIC microcontrollers like "The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller", "Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller", "PIC'n up the pace" etc. you can download a number of books from the Ebooks Upload/Download section of edaboard.

i would say that you should go for the PIC16F628A and the PIC16F877A.

"is programming for all PIC µCs the same?"

no and yes. if you program in assembly then the programming for all the 14-bit core PICs are same but for the 16-bit core the programming is different because they have different instruction sets. but if you program in C then it makes no difference at all.

if you have more questions then please ask

i hope that helps

Re: newbee to PIC µCs

it would be better if you go to and check the data sheets of the microcontrollers.

It is the best way to know abt any micro controller.

i suggest you go for PIC16F877A

Programming in C is same for all pics but is different for each in case of assembly lang...

Also the most imp part is to know abt Ports.....

Re: newbee to PIC µCs

The best book is the " Customising PIC microcontroller by Myke Predko". The programming is more or less the same for all micros of this family. Michrochip website is a great resource for learning since it has a lot of application notes etc

Re: newbee to PIC µCs

kchandra85 said:

Programming in C is same for all pics but is different for each in case of assembly lang...


This is incorrect:

There are three basic groups of PIC µC:
12, 14, & 16 bit wide devices

33/35 instructions for the 12/14 bit wide devices
75/83 instructions for the 16 bit wide devices

Assembly code is upwardly compatible.
The code generated from writing in C may not perform the same on different devices especially on time critical code.

Check this link for a correct description and introduction.
**broken link removed**

Hope this helps ... Polymath

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