Hot melt glue is terrific for a lot of jobs. If it were just me, I'd try what you suggest. I realize I would have to 'do it right' the first time. Because if an unwanted blob of glue gets between the parts, and hardens, the unit will be misaligned, or there will be a gap, etc. Then you will need to heat the entire unit, in order to soften every blob of glue which is in between the parts.
The glue is gooey plastic. Once it has messed up a job, you cannot hope to fill in easily with a different type of glue. You would have to clean the surfaces completely, and hot melt glue is terribly difficult to clean away, especially from a rough surface.
And if I were handling a hot glue gun several times a day, I think I would be likely to get burned once a day.
In these regards, hot melt glue is not very 'forgiving' of mistakes.
Your agency may even have previously tried hot glue for a job. Perhaps there was one messed-up unit, which required extra time to fix. So he said 'It's not worth it, let's stick with more forgiving methods.'