Can we give the gds directly to StarRCXT for parasitic extraction. Or do we need some kind of database like Milkyway. Can anybody tell me how to proceed with StarRCXT having only GDS and StarRC related files.
you need to have the spice netlist converted into nettran format ,a synopsys tool is there to convert,then you have run hercules on the GDS .
Once hercules run is over ,run star_Xtract -clean star_cmd.
star_cmd is a file which has the Milkyway database and other information.
Yeah we can create Milkyway database from hercules. But to run the starRC properly, do we need to have the design LVS clean from hercules. Even if LVS is not clean, can we proceed to starRC with whatever the Milkyway database Hercules has generated.
ya you can extract the netlist using star_Xtract if the layout is not clean from hercules LVS but make sure if it is calibre or any other eda tool LVS clean....
Dear kumard35b,
My LVS is clean in Calibre. But I have to run Hercules LVS to create Milkyway database. And it's not cleaning up in Hercules. Still I passed the Milkyway library created to StarRCXT but it is gving error in extraction.
Can you please help me out like what options should I use in the Hercules rule file and also in StarRCXT command file.