How to get the right results of oscillator simulation using Ocean?

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Full Member level 4
Mar 22, 2006
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I did an osc circuit.

when I do ocean simulation to find the corner and temp variations, I find that it can not get the right result.

but in the ADE, I got the right result.

I compared them, and find in ADE simulation (typical condition), spectre use 'homotopy=gmin" and it got the result ( oscillating wave). but in ocean simulation, it tries "homotopy=gmin, source, dptran" and didn't get the result, just a straight line like the output dc level.

so, I confused.

please help me. how can I got the right result through ocean?


Re: about osc simulation

first, what ADE and ocean simulation mean?
maybe you can give an inspiritment,Vin step eg.

about osc simulation

i met the same question

Re: about osc simulation

corel said:
first, what ADE and ocean simulation mean?
maybe you can give an inspiritment,Vin step eg.

analog design environment. it is what we often used as simulation environment.

about osc simulation

It seems the simulaiton step is not small enough.
Another solution for osc simulation is to set initial condition. You can set different initial voltage for differential voltage

Re: about osc simulation

pfd001 said:
It seems the simulaiton step is not small enough.
Another solution for osc simulation is to set initial condition. You can set different initial voltage for differential voltage

I have set the initial condition node voltages, but it didn't work as well.

thanks ,I will try small step.

Re: about osc simulation

Are you sure the initial condition is setting? How about the differential voltage now? Is it the same or not

Re: about osc simulation

Are you sure the initial condition is setting? How about the differential voltage now? Is it the same or not

I set the initial voltage at two nodes at 0V, and the error voltage is about 70uV.
what I am confused is why it is different between analog design environment simulation and ocean simulation.

about osc simulation

you can try to change it in 'option' item

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