[PIC] How to get the data into microcontroller through USB port

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Newbie level 4
Jul 1, 2015
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Hello all,

I am working on a project with microcontrollers, but i am not very experienced at that area. My task is to transfer data from an 8-bit parallel bus via USB port into microcontroller and process that data through microcontroller (PIC18F47J53 plug-in-module). I use PIC18 to program it and write my codes in C language. Currently i am stuck with the first part. Is there anyone who can help me out of this? I have read all the data sheets of the microcontrollers and USB libraries of Microchip but it really didn't help. I don't even know where to start. :-(
Any tips and advices would be very appreciated.

Thank you.


Please check the USB protocol. Manufacturer must have given some example related to USB.

Thank you very much for your responce amit.kumar11. Nevertheless, i think i need more explanation. Now i am trying to find something useful on 'Microchip MCHPFUSB v2.3.1' in which the manufacturer provided some functions. Any suggestions?

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My task is to transfer data from an 8-bit parallel bus via USB port into microcontroller

Do I understand right?
From a Parallel bus via UB to microcontroller? No PC involved?

For USB transfer you need a USB master called "host", in your case is this the PIC?
And the USB device is the parallel input?

If my suggestons are true, then i don´t recommend to use an USB.

What data rate? What distance?



Yes exactly no PC involved in this communication! I want to transfer the data directly from 8-bit parallel bus to the microcontroller.

Why do you not recommend USB? The plug-in-module that i am using features full speed USB2.0 (12 Mbps) and the data rate on the bus is 1,7 Mbps.


The plug-in-module that i am using features full speed USB2.0 (12 Mbps) and the data rate on the bus is 1,7 Mbps.
What type is it ?

Is it a USB HOST?
Can you tell more about it?

Why not USB.
It depends on the answers to my questions on data rate and distance.

But i see USB is a realtively big hardware and software effort for just transmitting parallel data.
It is useful if you want to drive removable standard devices like USB sticks, USB bluetooth, printers, HID...


Is it a USB HOST?
Can you tell more about it?
if the first post #1 a PIC18F47J53 was mentioned which only supports USB device
not sure what the USB is for ? if the project is to received data from a parallel bus why not interface the bus directly to the PIC (possibly thru level changers)?

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