I simulated a single NMOS transistor and got the waveforms from transient and AC analyses. But I am not sure how can I get input/output impedence waveforms from Cadence by using calculator.
say for common-gate topology,
use VF(source)/IF(source)? but it seems Cadence complains that IF(source) is not a waveform object.
or use VT(source)/IT(source)? But this is not small-signal analysis?
It seems you didn't save AC terminal currents
In Analog Design Enviroment window click
Otput -> Save all -> Select AC terminal currents (userprobes) ->"yes"
After that you can plot VF/IF.
u need to connect 2 "psin" ports to the input and one to the output and do a s-paramter analysis. read it up in the manual..its easy to do it.
then after simu plot s11 and s22 in the smith chart form alone!!!
then u can move ur pointer along the curve of s11 and s22 and get
Zin/50 and Zout/50...but please be cautioned that ur Zin/Zout is the impedance calculated with a 50ohm load connected at the output/input respectively.....
An easy way to do it, if you're not familiar with s parameters and you have problems with calculator expression, is to put an ac current source with AC=1 at the pin you want to measure the impedance and perform an ac simulation over your interesting frequency range, then plot the voltage at input pin (as mag and/or phase). Being Z=V/I with I=1, Z=V.
Just be aware of the current flow, if wrong you'll get opposite phase results.
That's all.