how to get graph of gain v/s frequency in hfss 13

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Full Member level 3
Jan 19, 2012
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Hello, i m new to hfss and i have simulated the design, i got the s(1,1) graph and vswr graph but i dont know to get the graph of gain v/s frquency and directvity v/s freq and other parameters like efficiencies, radiation parameters.
we can get all the graph easily in ie3d as i know how to work on ie3d.
so can anybody teach me step by step procedure that how to get the graph in hfss 13


In hfss, you might have created setup for nearfield or farfield calculations. This can be achieved by (let us say for far field) first creating an infinite sphere with phi varying from 0 deg to 90 deg with a step of 90 E-plane and H-plane
secondly, theta is varied from -180 to 180 deg with some suitable step (say 2 deg).
this setup is available at HFSS>>Radiation>>Insert far field setup>>infinite sphere.
Then after simulation is completed, again go to HFSS>>Radiation>>compute Antenna/Max params...
Select the "sweep" instead of "last adaptive" to obtain results over a sweep of frequencies.
then proceed, a window will pop-up, showing the calculated antenna parameters that you mentioned. press 0k.
Now to view various results corresponding to your antenna and its radiation characteristics can be seen at
HFSS>>Results>>Create far field report>>your chosen plot.

Following the above you can easily obtain mentioned results.

A request: please do let me know if the results obtained by HFSS following the above steps are in agreement with the results from IE3D at I made this request since i am still a student who is learning antenna (which is not in my course) on my own so wish to know the results (if you can later post the images of the curves and plots comparing the results from two softwares).

Thanks and Regards
Hello Ashish
Thanks for your reply and its highly helpful for me.
You asked to tell you about the agreement in result of HFSS and IE3D so i am telling you i did not get any agreement between IE3D and HFSS, i simulated the same design on both the software but i did not get any matching result.
HFSS gave me very very good result in comparison to IE3D.
MY design has gave me ultra high bandwidth in HFSS but when i simulated the same design with same dimension in IE3D it gave me ver bad results.
But you know, there is another antenna tool called CST, if you design the antenna on HFSS and CST you will get a good agreement between the results of CST and HFSS.
Actually, IE3d work on Method of Moment and HFSS and CST works Finite Element Method so i personally feel that there will be definately the great diference between these two simulators.
I also heard that if we fabricate the antenna and test the results it by using network analysor then there will be good agreement between the simulated results of HFSS and the fabricated antenna which is not sure in case of IE3D.
Soon , i m going to fabricate two antennas, one is design by IE3D and another one is design by HFSS and i will test both the antennas on network analysor so i will tell you later that which antenna tool giving the close agreement with the real testing results.

with best Regard
okay..i got your point. can you please tell me, what all curves you plotted for obtaining radiation pattern of your design? I mean is it rEtheta, rEphi, or rEtotal?

Do you have any idea of plotting Ludwig's cross and co-polar curves? are the options rEL3X and rEL3Y represent them?

Please reply.

Sorry, as i m very new to HFSS i can not plot any graph. i still have to learn many things about HFSS.
was my previous post helpful for you?

It was indeed helpful to me. What i asked you is that which quantity you plotted against varying theta to obtain the radiation pattern of your antenna structure in the IE3D software? I am asking this because i completely know in HFSS, how to reach the point from where you can plot the desired quantity which represent radiation pattern plot (the steps i already mentioned) but to much of my concern, i am unable to find which quantity is actually plotted to obtain radiation pattern.

Moreover, if you can upload your hfss file, i may provide you the results of the radiation pattern of your antenna provided you tell which quantity should i plot to obtain the curve.

Thanks and regards.

Ashish, i m going out now, i will definately attach my file to you later in evening.

Hi. I am new to HFSS. I want to get the Gain vs Frequency, Axial Ratio vs Frequency and the radiation patterns according to the journal paper attached. I have also attached the hfss project file. I am not getting the desired the graphs. Can anyone help me where I am doing wrong? Thanks


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