how to generated noise circuit in PSpice simulation tool

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Newbie level 5
Aug 8, 2011
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how to generated noise circuit in PSpice simulation tool?
I'm using op-amp to constructed differential amplifier, then i need to generate noise signal into inverting and non-inverting input signal. Can anyone tell me how the connection look like? Or do directly get noise sourse from the library?

i want do transient simulation. Between I had read through some forum which stated the used of noise analysis at AC sweep but I unssuccefully to enabled it.

It seems that you need to analyze your circuit's time domain responce in presence of high frequency signal at the inputs? You may want to add one or more sin or pulse sources of difference frequency in series at respective inputs. I am afraid there no direct way to simulate a true noise source in time domain.

Some simulators have pseudo noise sources (transient noise sources) for transient analyses. I don't know whether PSpice does - it probably depends on how old your version is.


In simple way to say that, I want to generate a square signal with presented of sparse in top of the signal as shown in the red and green color in the image attachment. Please kindly look forward at the image as per attached. I'm able to generated normal square waveform without noise present as input only. It's possible to generated this kind of signal in PSpice?

What you have shown is not random noise but systematic in both amplitude and frequency. You can easily do that by stacking two voltage sources -one with the "correct" signal and the other with the disturbance you want to add. This is what I was expecting you wanted, which would be achieved by transient noise:


Your intentions with noise generation in transient analysis aren't quite clear. A possible application I can imagine is analyzing the behaviour of non-linear signal processing circuits in presence of noise.

Noise can be either "replayed" as an arbitrary waveform or generated by a digital pseudo-random noise generator (LFSR circuit) and low-pass filtered to get an analog signal.

I'm understanding the way you are doing. It's like what I what actually but the problem is I was able to created signal input to non-inverting and inverting pin but how to create distortion signal to this two input pin? My schematic as shown i

how to create distortion signal to this two input pin
You can add signals to any circuit branch you like by series connected voltage sources, either independant stimulus signals or controlled sources injecting the output of an auxilary circuit.

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