Dear LvW
Can you please elaborate the method.
1) I am not able to understand what you mean by by perform two anlysis , do you mean that i should do two differnt analysis while giving normal/ usual values in the first, giving the changes values in the second analysis, then compare the results of the two??
2) About the input, Vin=V1+jV1 (90deg lead), Vin=V1-jV1 (90deg lag): I must give AC magnitude value 1 and change the phase to 90 and -90 degress only???
Thanks in advance
Not exactly as proposed by LvW.
There are two methods to verify the IMRR: 1. AC & 2. Transient
For both methods you have to run two complex stimulations which should represent a complex wanted signal and a complex unwanted, or image signal.
If the complex signal path surpress frequency components with "negative" frequencies you first stimulate positive frequencies with two AC sources:
Positive Frequency Stimulation (phasor rotates counterclockwise)
Mag 1.0 Phase 0.0 for the in-phase component & (signal name "I")
Mag 1.0 Phase 90.0 for the quadrature-phase component (signal name "Q")
the second
Negative Frequency Stimulation (phasor rotates clockwise)
Mag 1.0 Phase 0.0 for the in-phase component & (signal name "I")
Mag 1.0 Phase -90.0 for the quadrature-phase component (signal name "Q")
Now you get a frequency response for postive and negative frequencies. The negative is typical the image.
For transient verfication the method is the same but using I=cos,Q=sin for positive frequencies and I=cos,Q=-sin for negative frequencies.
You have to wait the initial settling before measuring the transient image rejection to let decay the initial settling effect one or two orders below the rejection.