How to find H-parameters of like hie, hoe,hre,hfe ?

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Member level 2
Jan 12, 2010
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Hi all,

I have to perform an experiment on my own. Experiment title is 'find H parameters of BJT transistor'. I don't have a clue what to do. I am asked to show hie, hfe, hoe calculated values in lab that should match to specification sheet of transistor. please tell me how to proceed step by step.

Thanks in advance.

Consider the h-parameter definition. E.g. for h11 the output should be shorted.


Real experiment (measurement) or simulation?

- - - Updated - - -

Consider the h-parameter definition. E.g. for h11 the output should be shorted.

...should be shorted. Yes - but only for ac (not DC).

The link you've given tells the student to determine the h parameters with a curve tracer. I'm supposing you don't have a curve tracer.

This link may help you:

**broken link removed**

The transistor is treated as a two-port and to determine input port parameters (hie and hfe), the output port must be provided with an AC short. This is done by connected a relatively large capacitor across the output port, with a suitable amplitude 1 kHz (for example) signal applied to the input port.

The output port parameters (hoe and hre) are measured by applying a suitable signal to the output port with the input port open circuited.

You'll notice that the link I gave tells you to measure Ii and Io. Be aware that they want you to measure the AC current; don't substitute a measurement of the DC current. The same applies to the other measurements; these are all small-signal (AC) measurements.

thank you very much:-D

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