[SOLVED] How to extract timing, latitude and longitude information from the GPS Module??

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Thank You So Much i had changed the GPS UTC time to Indian time by Adding 5:30 to it.

my GPS its the same situation...i can't get coordinates...I download the software cockpit indicated by ZASto .. but he finds only 1 satelite .. in last Friday software found various satellites but gave no coordinated ... I left the building as requested .. but thought it was just a satellite appearing and disappearing:-?
Best Reguards

It takes 15 to 20 minutes for GPS module to show all data if you are indoor. One after the other the data will start appearing. I tested a GPS yesterday which was used for Vehicle Tracking System and it took 25 minutes to start giving all datas.

I wait for a 30 minutes and nothing..i dont know..but maybe is a cloudy weather?I went back to the building and then it started to rain..this may be the cause of not working today?

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