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How to extract PCM stereo from HDMI?

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Newbie level 1
Newbie level 1
Jan 4, 2016
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First post here.

I've registered on this forum in the hope of finding an answer to a problem that has been bugging me for some time. Please note I'm not a professional engineer but a retired 80yo amateur with a hearing problem.

To assist with that hearing problem I've resorted to headphones and I have a Benchmark DAC1 beside where I sit which is fed music from server. So far so good. But I would also like to feed it a stereo PCM signal from an Onkyo SC-5509 preamp processor to aid with hearing from the 7.1 A/V system.

The Onkyo has no digital audio out so I tried to extract it from the HDMI out using a relatively inexpensive Monoprice converter but am not having success.

The manual discussion about the MAIN and SUB HDMI outputs implies the SC-5509 will honor the EDID specs provided by whichever port has priority but does it really behave this way when the AV receiver can handle ALL formats?

Generally no one cares if there is even any audio at all in the AV receiver’s HDMI outputs since the AV receiver is providing the sound and HDMI outputs usually go to a display only (in my case a JVC projector) with no audio desired. However there could be a TV with stereo only capability in another room receiving a signal from the SC-5509 but no one would want that to compromise the main system to stereo because of its connection to that TV due to EDID protocols.

I've contacted Onkyo for comment about this but have received no response and have not been able to discover if there is a way to set the Onkyo for the highest capability formats (video and audio) for output regardless of what’s plugged into its HDMI outputs. If this can be done then, with a known constant audio output from the HDMI port, I can hopefully be sure of always being able to extract stereo from HDMI with a suitable converter. This stereo PCM can then be sent to my headphones to assist with my failing hearing.

If this is possible then the great audio capabilities of the Onkyo will not be wasted on others in the room but will enable me to get sound reinforcement on the headphones. Unfortunately the SC-5509 offers no easy way of obtaining a stereo PCM signal. I am forced to extract it from the HDMI out with a suitable processor but doing this is challenged by not being sure of the nature of that audio.

So the bottom line is are there any components or designs out there that can extract stereo PCM from the HDMI output from a preamp/processor like the Onkyo SC-5509?



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