Newbie level 4
I have a project involving a S&H peak detector. Since it is a peak detector, diodes are inevitable, but I want to preserve the linearity of the system as much as possible. I am planning to use a LF398 S&H amplifier with a diode prior to it. Is there any circuit to somehow compensate the voltage after the diode or somehow boost the signal by the vf? (Not pretty sure if its a thing, just making it up.) The point is I would like to somehow compensate the diode drop in an analog way. Any ideas, if such thing is possible? Thank you in advance.
I have a project involving a S&H peak detector. Since it is a peak detector, diodes are inevitable, but I want to preserve the linearity of the system as much as possible. I am planning to use a LF398 S&H amplifier with a diode prior to it. Is there any circuit to somehow compensate the voltage after the diode or somehow boost the signal by the vf? (Not pretty sure if its a thing, just making it up.) The point is I would like to somehow compensate the diode drop in an analog way. Any ideas, if such thing is possible? Thank you in advance.