In my design,some signals like this:
module test ( a,b,...... )
input a;
output b;
assign a = b;
After synthesis,this statement didnot substitute by inserting a buffer!But this statement cant be recognized by Encounter.
How to eliminate this "assign"?
After setting "set_fix_multiple_port_nets" true, you have to resynthesis and write the verilog out, then you will get the netlist without "assign". Hope this suggesstion is helpful to you.
Make sure you invoke the command with the following options:
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
Missing the -buffer_constants could cause you to still have some assign statements. Also, make sure you are not doing a "set_dont_touch" on some of the modules that contain assign statements...
when you have tri_state bus or ports ,you will have "assign ";or when you have some unconnected pins ,you will have the "assign ".
You can add boundary_optimization and set fix to remove the "assign"
Hi, microww.
“set_boundary_optimization true”
This compile setting is not used. It could change the logic of your subdesigns. So we do not use it in DC.