I'm searching for another pair of transistors but all i find with suitable voltage/current ratings have approximately the same hfe.
There is something I don't understand and are missing, but what?
You need darlington transistors for higher HFE. Here is a small list of easily available darlington transistors.
TO-3P package (higher power rating)
TIP142/TIP147 (100V,10A,HFE>1000)
BDW83C/BDW84C (100V,15A,HFE>750)
BDV67C/BDV66C (140V,16A,HFE>1000)
TO-220 package (lower power rating)
TIP132/TIP137 (100V,8A,HFE>1000)
BDW93C/BDW94C (100V,12A,HFE>750)
BDX53C/BDX54C (100V,8A,HFE>750)
All the above transistors have a diode internally connected between collector and emmiter, usually for free wheeling purpose. Some transistors have isolation between collector and metal part of the package (you can find letter F in thier part number).