How to draw the exponential taper in the HFSS?

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Junior Member level 3
May 26, 2004
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hfss taper

Hi all,

I am in the design of a transition adapter between two rectuangular waveguides. One port is the standard rectuangular waveguide. The other port with a much smaller b compared with the first port. They have the same a. I am thinking to use exponential taper to get the lowest S11. Is the exponential taper the best choice?

The other problem I met in the HFSS simulation is how to draw the exponential taper. The only way I know is cut the exponential taper into polyline and draw them seperately. Is there any better way to do it? Is it possible to use other tools, like Matlab, to draw it first and then import it into HFSS? I have tried to import the .wmf file into HFSS. But it doesn't work.

Please help, any suggestion is appreciated.

draw complex model in hfss using import

I'm not sure if is possible to import it in HFSS from MATLAB or not . but you can save your output MATLAB picture and import it from "insert picture" menu in AutoCad and then redraw it in AutoCad ( I mean draw an approximate curveture similar to your MATLAB output by zooming your picture as background and draw a polyline on it and then deleting the background picture ) and then export it with ".sat" format to HFSS.

hope to help you.
hfss taper draw

Hi, Andy2049:

Please refer to the following link for the information on how complex models, even complete HFSS projects can be created with Matlab. This package has all the source codes and typical examples.

**broken link removed**

By the way, if you are good at VBscript which is also the Macro of both AutoCAD and HFSS, you can code to draw the taper either in HFSS 3D moduler directly or in AutoCAD first and import the *.dxf file into HFSS later.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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