how to display signed binary in 7seg

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how many 7segs have you got?
without only 1, you're not gonna get very far.

If only one digit is available, a non-standard way would be to use the decimal point as a sign indicator. Some have decimal points on the left. Lighting one on the left could indicate a -1. [1] [0] [.1] Just an idea. Perhaps prone to operator error. Using segments B,C,G would look odd but unambiguous.

A wilder idea using the segment position:
1 - Segment A (Horizontal top)
0 - Segment G (Horizontal middle)
-1 - Segment D (Horizontal bottom)

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Do you want the logic for driving the segments or how to display the numbers? Before you can do the logic you need to decide how to display it.

how many 7segs have you got?
without only 1, you're not gonna get very far.

i got 3 !
but I forgot to mention that my binary is on 8-bit signed

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I gessed that it will be easy
Lighting points ! i like the idea !

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Paint over a small portion of the 'g' segment, the portion closest to the '1'.

I will have to change my logic for that !

With 3 7segs you'll have to play around with encoding the 8-bits and sign into only 21 segments. The simplest approach to me is to lay the segments on their side.

_ _ _ _ _ _
|_|_| |_|_| |_|_|

As you can see there are 9 vertical segments. The segments are then read as ON-1 OFF-0 and the sign is the most significant segment and would read "-" when ON and "+" when OFF.


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