So as I can understand you already have the measurement circuit which outputs a voltage from 0 to 12V in the whole measurement range.
Well, those 12V will burn or damage your PIC ADC, since it supports voltages from 0 to 5V. You could use a resistive voltage divider with two resistors (Use Ohm law to calculate it or look for a calculator applet).
You can calculate your system accuracy with the sensor measurement range and its output voltages. Take into account that you divide the voltage so it will be worse.
Then, with the A/D conversion you calculate the current. I think that the output voltage is directly proportional to the measured current. Once you get the count your PIC will have to do to convert a voltage value digitally converted from 0 to 1024 to a "mA" value, the only thing left to do is sending that measurement to your PC so it can display it on the screen.
You have to use a level converter like MAX232 or similar (you can also use transistors...) to interface PC with PIC, in case of using RS-232. You have to configure how you are going to transmit data (ASCII, decimal, binary, hex, etc) both in HyperTerminal and in your PIC.
Good luck with that, just ask if you have any doubt.