I want to design a low pass filter which -3dB frenquency is 10~100Hz . using a RC and opamp to implenment, the area is very large, beacuse the resistor value about 150MΩ. can anyone help me to reduce the area?
Switched capacitor technique can be the key.
Now is widely used in integrated filters for FM receivers, bandwidth in the range of tens of KHz.
I hope it can help.
There are a few ideas to solve problem. First of all is to use switched capacitor filter - check maxim website. It could be even easier than work with discrete filters.
But if you decide to make discrete filter you should consider use of resistance and capacitance multiplier. It will let you to avoid huge resistor/ capacitor.
But there are problems with stability of such circuits.
In my oppinion the best way to solve problem is to use fpaa from anadigm (www.anadigm.com) With their CABs you could simply prepare any filter. I had asked them for about 0.5Hz filter, and i had one.