Hi all
I am new to silvaco atlas. I was trying to simulate a resonant tunnel diode using atlas but the conduction band energy is coming correct but the plot of IV cure becoming linear. I can't understand the problem. either with the steucture definition or with the model declaration. I have attached the code here. please help me anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go atlas
x.mesh loc=0.0 spac=0.001
x.mesh loc=0.03 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.0 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.006 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.02 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.024 spac=0.001
y.mesh loc=0.03 spac=0.001
region number=1 material=GaAs
region number=2 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.009 y.max=0.013 material=AlGaAs
region number=3 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.017 y.max=0.021 material=AlGaAs
#region number=4 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.017 y.max=0.021 qwell well.nx=10 well.ny=10 well.cnbs=6
electrode name=anode top
electrode name=cathode bot
#doping conc=2e15 n.type uniform
doping x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.009 n.type conc=1e20 uniform
doping x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.013 y.max=0.017 n.type conc=1e20 uniform
doping x.min=0.0 x.max=0.03 y.min=0.021 y.max=0.03 n.type conc=1e20 uniform
#mqw xmin=0.0 xmax=0.03 ymin=0.0 ymax=0.03 nwell=1 ww=0.01 material=si
model quantum fldmob conmob bqp.n bqp.dir=2 BQP.NEUMANN
method newton carriers=1 electron
output con.band val.band band.param t.quantum flowlines
solve init
solve qfactor=0.0
solve qfactor=0.0001
solve qfactor=0.001
solve qfactor=0.01
solve qfactor=0.1
solve qfactor=1.0
solve vanode=0.001
solve vanode=0.01
solve vcathode=0.00001
solve vcathode=0.0001
solve vcathode=0.0
log outf=My_Tunnel_Diode_rev.log
solve vanode=0.0 vstep=-0.0001 vfinal=-0.007 name=anode
tonyplot -overlay My_Tunnel_Diode_rev.log
save outf=My_Tunnel_Diode.str
tonyplot My_Tunnel_Diode.str