How to design amplifer, gain/power assumption or berkely?

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Advanced Member level 4
Oct 7, 2005
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how to design amplifer

as i know there are two different way to design amplifer, one begins with gain,power assumption,and other is the way of berkely,which use DR and phase margin. how to select the way ?

Re: how to design amplifer

both is right

it's according to your application....

it's better if its suite all them..

but usually people check the gain first.....power is checked if it's critical matters

Re: how to design amplifer


At First check the D.C Operating point of Amplifier then u can go for gain ..etc..

D.C analysis-->A.Canalysis--> Transient Analysis

I would suggest to follow this order of analysis if u want to design a amplifier

have fun

Re: how to design amplifer

mydreamhouse said:
as i know there are two different way to design amplifer, one begins with gain,power assumption,and other is the way of berkely,which use DR and phase margin. how to select the way ?

Power is not the critical design concern; if it is, I would like to say current is more important.

The first thing to find a solution to opamp design is the structure defining and process choosing according to your requirements. If high speed, using one stage cascode; if high gain, use two stages; if both using gain booster; and so on.
Once the structure and process is defined, current allocation to each branch is the must, which is to minimize the system offset. Large current can achieve high speed, and low current is good for high gain.
noise the concerned then, because it is mainly caused by input pairs, you do not require to change a lot of your design when lowering your noise.

phase margin is not more related to the compensation and parasitic capacitance. study it can improve the phase margin.

Basically, arbitaty high current can help to meet all requirements you want. If you need low current and very high performance with fixed process, a new structure should be invented, so you can be patented.

So, process and current would be the breakpoint.

Re: how to design amplifer

From power/gain way will be more straightforward.

how to design amplifer

Output swing and open loop gain should be considered at first in designing a OP!

how to design amplifer

It depends on the application. If the amplifier is being used in a switch capacitor filter, settling time is the main concern.

Re: how to design amplifer

but how to evaluate this papameters?

how to design amplifer

i think u bigen with the operating point very well and then design depend on which one of these your target

Added after 1 minutes:

if can't know what u want to do i can help u ,so u can send me the issues and i think i can help u.

how to design amplifer

operating point, dc gain, ac sweep for stability,output range, input common range

Re: how to design amplifer

Depending on what you most concern

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