How to design a 2.4GHz LNA ?

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Newbie level 3
Jan 20, 2009
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I need help designing a LNA, it needs to be low noise and high gain operating at 2.4GHz. I'm suppose to use smith charts for impedance matching and the bias network and i have no idea how to design the schematic. Help me!

lna 2.4ghz

Go to google and type the LNA 2.4GHz, U 'll get overvew and then proceed in AWR microwave office or any other software which you have
2.4ghz lna

An engineer might follow these steps:
1) find out, or make an assumption, about the requirements--noise figure in dB, operating bandwidth, gain required.
2) search NEC, Avago, etc semiconductor suppliers and find a device that is capable of meeting your specification requirements
3) There will be input matching requirements on a givien data sheet that should be met to provide the best amplifier noise figure. Design an input matching network that will transform the 50 ohm input impedance down to that desired impedance that the device wants. The desired imepdance to present to the FET input will probably be a resistance and reactance that is different from 50 ohms.
4) Design an output matching network.
5) Use chip inductors to provide a path for the DC bias at the gate and drain to reach the device. The DC will go by a shunt capacitor (100 pF typical), through a series inductor (say 12 nH), and then to the device terminal.

When you are all done, it is nice to simulate the whole amplifier in a simulation program, to confirm the gain, bandwidth, and noise figure. If you do not have access to one, then steps 1-5 are sufficient and can be done only with a smith chart.

Added after 1 minutes:
reactance awr matching network

Hi all,

Here is an interresting Cadence Worksho on LNA design:

impedance matching atf-54143

I'm designing a 2 stage amplifer using the ATF 54143. I've designed the input matching netwok using the smith chart link which has been really helpful thank you. I don't really know how to design the intermediate matching network though. I also plan to use agilent ADS for the simulation. Any good tutorials on using ADS for LNA designs?

awr+low noise amplifier+simulation

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

24 ghz lna

A simple LNA design.

credits go to the original uploader.

good luck!

2.4ghz lna datasheet

Does anyone know how to design a single-stub network using a smith chart? I'm trying to match the optimum reflection coefficient of 30.45+9.83j to 50ohms. I need help working out the stub length. Thanks

ads simulation lna 2.4ghz

**broken link removed**

The above link is good tool using java applet.
I like it very much.
For study I recommend Gonzalez

applet lna

you need to make conjugate matching!!

2.4ghz lna

for designing the stub length, I believe you can rely on the Smith chart tool on ADS.
regarding the type of matching you need to apply this DS for MGA-53543 is quite straight forward in terms of the basics


lna 24ghz

Hello, I am using ADS Advanced Design System of agilent and I believe that this software is very usefull for you. For other hand I send you for this post an archive about one design of LNA using ADS. I hope that this help you.
Sorry about my english.
Abrazo a todos.

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