[SOLVED] How to derive current equation for p channel mos transistor?

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p channel mos transistor

how to derive the current equation for a p channel MOS transistor operating in the linear region

Re: p channel mos transistor

look in any book about CMOS or semiconductor physics!!

p channel mos transistor

the same way you determine nmos


but notice that for pmos Vgs, Vds and Vt are all
negative values.

Re: p channel mos transistor

nks7 said:
how to derive the current equation for a p channel MOS transistor operating in the linear region

Same as n channel, just the voltage and current have reverse value

p channel mos transistor

it's equation is similar as NMOS.for VTH is negative

Re: p channel mos transistor

Hai ,

for p-channel transistor , the equation is the same with NMOS . what you have to do is manipulate the equation placing -ve sign in front of every voltage variable. Thus , Vgs becomes Vsg , Vds becomes Vsd , Vtn becomes -Vtp, and so on. The condition required for conduction is now Vsg>Vtp, where Vtp is now a -ve quantity .The requirement on the source-drain voltage for p-channel transistor to be in the saturation region is Vsd>Vsg+Vtp.


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