[SOLVED] How to create component class in Altium

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Full Member level 6
May 16, 2008
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I need to create a component class for 'closer pitch components' to add a clearance rule for a specific set of components. If i create a component class in PCB itself, it always asking to remove while generating a ECO. How to solve this problem?

The same while creating a net class, i can use a 'Net class directive' in schematic & ECO adding class without problem. Is there any option same like this for components class...?

Thanks in Advance


User-defined component classes are handled in the schematic through the "ClassName" parameter in the symbol's properties. In other words... in the schematic, double click the part symbol and add a new parameter called "ClassName" and change the value of the parameter to your desired component class name that you gave them in the PCB (i.e. FinePitch).

Net classes are added on the schematic through a PCB Directive. Use the menu Place > Directives > Net Class to add a Net Class PCB directive to the schematic. The same thing goes here that you'll need to double click the directive symbol and change the value of the ClassName parameter to your desired net class name. Then just place the new pcb directive symbol on all the associated nets that you wish to be part of that net class. You'll probably want to change the symbols name as well for easy identification (or show the parameter). The default name says "Net Class" which isn't too descriptive when you have several net classes on the same sheet.

You can also do it through a blanket statement as well if there are a lot of nets that need the name added in the same area. https://techdocs.altium.com/display/ADOH/Defining+Net+Classes+by+Area+on+a+Schematic

After you add that info to your schematic, you shouldn't have any sync conflicts between the two.

- - - Updated - - -

One additional note... You'll need to make sure that the user-defined "Generate Component Classes" and "Generate Net Classes" options are enabled in your project options. You can find them under the user-defined section at the bottom of the Class Generation tab. The options at the the top are for the automatically generated classes (which I usually leave off), and the options at the bottom are for the user-defined classes. The bottom ones are the ones you want.

You probably already have the net classes option on since it sound like you were already using net class directives successfully above.
It works...:-D. Thanks for your help...Thanks for your clear explanation...


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