How to create a SMS polling/voting system?

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Full Member level 3
Apr 29, 2005
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hello guys...
u know...those polling scheme...advertise by News Channels...sending sms "Vote A" to number 2525 by mobile. Please anybody know about the technical thing i need to have and to learn so that i can create such polling system by receiving vote or choice from mobile sms.
Please help

Thank you

at command for cdma

first you must choose what type of mobile phone you want to use GSM/CDMA and also have a serial / usb cale data to communicate with computer

second what compiler you want to use to build your windows based application. i usually used delphi 7 and cport component to communicate with the mobile phone

third you must find an information about ATcommand. there are three important AT commnad read SMS(At+cmgr), Write SMS (At+cmgs) dan delete SMS (AT+CMGD)

you can send this command to your mobile phone from your application, to read/write/delete sms.

i hope this information can be useful

sms polling india

Can we use VB interfacing
I think we can

I would be lot easier with GSM modems

sms polling and india

hello noname1986..
could you please refer me some source or documentation on such type of project so that i make easier to understand.

thank you

Re: SMS Polling??

hello buts....
you can see this documentation or download comport port component at
it' s a freeware component

i think there is 2 important command using comport in delphi:
WriteString to send ATCommand from computer to mobile phone/mobile modem
and ReadString to get a response or message from mobile phone/mobile modem and then you can process the response/message

At Command using CDMA mobile phone and GSM has a difference.
AT Command for GSM phone at
**broken link removed**
AT Command for CDMA phone at **broken link removed**

after you read some information about ATcommand you can make a simple experiment using hyperterminal to communicate the mobile phone. mobile phone can connect to hyperterminal using all baudrate(some), 8 bit data, no parity, no flow control.

Added after 11 minutes:

Sorry, i don't have experience to make an application using VB. but i get some information that Visual Studio has a serial port component. I think using this serial port component in Visual Studio easier than using Cport.

for make a low cost sms polling, we can use mobile phone.
GSM/CDMA modem is needed if we want to make a professional SMS polling with high rate sms transfer.

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