How to create a rs232 standard in proteus

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Mar 8, 2012
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I wan't to simulate rs232 to rs485 in proteus but i can't create a rs232 voltage.I used compim but it is just TTL standard.How can I have RS232 standard to do it.Pleased help me,thanks.

Thanks for replying, can you help me check the schematic that i have draw in proteus.There are many things make me confusing:???:.In this schematic i can send and receive from/to both side.Would you give me the explain for these:
1.Why we need an invertor in this schematic?
2.Why I can send and receive data correctly while the input of Max232 is just TTL standard.How can i get the RS232 standard to MAX232 in proteus?
3.When i put a 555 timer in the other side to control receiving and sending but this is not work? I want to use 2 555 timer to control it.
Thanks you very much.

Sorry! I forgot this schematic .Thanks in advance.

1. I think it's only for simulation... as the max232 is something like a voltage inverter
2. remember it´s only simulation... any way if you input TTL(0-5v) to a max232 it will work! and the output should be rs232 (-10v ~ +10v) but you have the inverter for that stuff..
3. i don´t see how your 555 is working... mmmm too lacy to draw your circuit and simulate it.... but the trigger should be connected to the TX output...

any way...

here is a datasheet AND CIRCUIT of a good rs232 to rs485 converter...
**broken link removed**

i buyed it and it worked charmly... any way it seems easy to build (note the max232 as a tsc232...
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Thanks very much.I am a newbie in electronic.Would you help me explain why this schematic not work. .What is wrong in this,I can't find anything wrong but I is not work when i simulate in proteus.All i want to do is communicate between two computers and i have to convert from rs232 to rs485 and vice versa.I have removed Max232 because i think that in this case the output of vitural terminal has been TTL standard.
I really appreciate your help.

it worked! at least in simulation...

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ----------

please note all the components, and the values of R and C it's calculate for 1ms for a 9600bps communication... for other baudrates you need to recalculate... (cheat: i used the values from the pdf I posted previously :twisted
Thanks.It work well.But now i want to transfer TTL to rs232.I used two max232 to do to trensfer TTL to rs232 and another to transfer RS232 to TTL,it occour a problem
is that when i type from one vitual terminal sometime it have error and sometime it work?the first letter is always wrong?Would you show me what happen?
This is my error and diagram:
i took my precious time to complete the circuit as you stated, with 2 max232... and, yes the first character, doesn't goes ok...

i just added some pullups, pulldowns (for simulation states)... and i think it´s ok, the first character glitch is something more of a simulation issue, so you wouldn't get rid of it from proteus isis....

but i'm very confident it will work on real life....
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