By thinking out of the box, since 36 KHz is very close to 38 KHz which is the carrier frequency of most IR receivers (3-pin transistor-like IC, found in most sets controlled by IR remote), I do the following:
I drive an IR LED with the 36 KHz (better if possible making it 38 KHz, unless the IR receiver already made for 36 KHz). There will be no need for high LED current since the LED will be placed close to its IR receiver.
The receiver has 3 pins; Vcc ground and data. Vcc is usually for 5V. The data pin is usually connected internally to the collector of an npn transistor. So a resistor as 4K7 is likely needed between the data pin and Vcc. The IR LED and receiver are placed facing each other.
When the receiver detects the presence of the carrier (here 36 KHz or 38 KHz) the data pin voltage becomes close to zero (ground), otherwise it is close to Vcc. So for the project here, at the receiver data we get one of two low pulses; 0.5 sec or 0.75 sec.
In this case, the MCU code needs to start a timer (in mode 1; 2 8-bit counter) at the falling edge (an edge INT could be used) then stop it at the rising edge. Since the time is relatively long a third 8-bit register should be added and be incremented at each timer interrupt. For 8 MHZ and AT89C2051, the timer interrupt occurs every 100ms (actually 98.304ms) so during the timer interrupt one can also check if the data pin returned to high or not. For the 0.5 sec, the 6th interrupt entry signals the end of the pulse and the 8th one signals the end of 0.75 sec.
This method is good when we have a simple low-cost MCU that needs doing other jobs while detecting the signal.
Please note that this method is just one solution among many others. I mentioned it just to give its possibility for this specific project,