Re: Does anyone know on how to convert month,year and date from unix time ?
i did some comparaison with old program written with Turbo C 2.00
about Julian date and Time stamp.
1) program is based on julian day ... is ok to do calculus between some dates, but not with time stamp
2) uses DOS function to get time stamp
3) this is web appli Time Stamp
on second program Usetime.exe , if i force the time stamp same as on time stamp value given by the third web application
i don't get the same time and day ...
i get
6Hours of difference ???
In France we are in winter shift time , so +1 hour only.
Thoses old program were usefull in periode 1970-1999
maybe with the 2000 year bug rules as changed ?
in the zip, executable and source C ,
in particular Calendri.h has a lot of data and time functions.
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