I have a schematic and pcb files generated from Altium Designer. However, I have the Protel 99SE, not Altium Designer.
So, I want to convert Designer (.SchDoc and .PcbDoc and library) files to my Protel 99SE files.
Please help me or teach me how to do that. If someone has Altium Designer, he/she might know how to export files to the older version(Protel 99SE).
I will be greatly thankful if you could help.
for the pcb simply use the command "save copy as" and select the "PCB 4.0 binary file" format.
for the schematic use the command "save copy as" and select the "Schematic binary 4.0" format.
Thank you for the reply, but I don't have Altium Designer. I have the Protel 99SE. That's why I am looking for someone who has Designer and perform the converting process for me.
I am still looking for a help...
I don't know how to express my appreciation to you!
It works and I am very happy for your help.
Thank you so~~~ much for your effort and time.
I hope I can help someone in need just like you. ^_~ ...
if without somebody else's help, can it be done properly to convert Altium files into Protel99SE .sch and .pcb? I have the same requirements. I am used to Protel 99SE, and need to convert Altium files from time to time. I do not have the Altium software.
I have converted some proejct into Protel99SE, exactly like as you taught. During file generating, there are several popup messages saying not Protel xxx format. I can only click OK to continue. After completion, I checked the sch and pcb file visually and using DRC, do not see any problem. It includes several boards (6 to 8 layers) containing FPGAs. Do you think using the converted pcb files ( to generate CAM files under Protel99SE , sometimes make minimum routing changes then generate Gerber/CAM) will have no hiden problem for PCB fabraction? If you have such experience, could you share? Typically, on which part I should check to make sure they are identical.