how to convert a standard 16X2 LCD display into Black background Green letter ?

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You might be able to convert a green background black letter display into black background green letter by flipping the polaroid filter around inside the display casing.

This is not possible on the displays that I use, as the filter is bonded to the display glass.

It relies on your display being easily opened, having a separate filter, the filter being accessible, the filter being the same shape when flipped and some delicate manipulation.

There is a good chance that the display will never work again if you disturb the zebra connectors.

Why not just buy the correct display in the first place?

thanks for the advice.

is there any register configuration for display inverting ?

Black background on Green letter lcd display not available in local markets.

is there any register configuration for display inverting ?
No. There is no electronic background control of any kind.

If you cannot flip the polaroid screen, then you are stuck with what you bought.

EDIT: ... except.... ....just maybe.... perhaps another polaroid sheet in front of the display might do the job. No at all sure that this would work. My theory understanding is very poor. My guess is that this will not work, but it might be worth a try.

EDIT2: No: Tried it - does not work :-(
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