How to controlling voltage with opto-triac dislpay on lcd in pic16f72

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Dec 3, 2016
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Hi there,
This is my real hardware circcuit shown in below

in which used component like MOC3021 (OPTOCOUPLER), BT-136(TRIAC),4 SWITCH(BUTTON),CRYSTAL 20 MHZ,PIC16F72(MICROCONTROLLER),
7805 and 16X2 LCD .
project details-
pin conncted to pic16f72 MCU as
sbit LCD_RS at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;
#define buzz portc.rc3
#define up porta.ra5
#define esc porta.ra4
#define down portc.rc0
#define ent portc.rc1
#define out portc.rc7
button1(up)-increase the voltage(0 to 5v)and increase the time value.
button2(down)-decrease the voltage (5 to 0v) and decrease the time value.
button3(esc)-function select voltage or time.
button4(ent)-start/stop perform on voltafe and time for set the time or voltage
port.rc7 is connected to optocoupler.

please help me how do i do?

You are trying to regulate AC voltage passes through opto-triac? In this case you need syncronize timer by zero-crossing circuit and open triac every 10ms for 0..10ms time period thus regulate passed power. Just trying to guess what you are meaning by your topic. Anyway, compare to others, you are playing with real hw, not emulated one))))
opto triac is new for me .
i am trying to last 20 days but not get output .
please guide me how to start progrraming/


Ok: To be clearer: your zero_cross_detection circuit is missing.
It is the input to the microcontroller, to be able to sync (the delay) on the halfwaves.


Zero cross detection circuits (ZCD) are discussed frequently here in this forum.
And phase control, too. Sometimes with schematics..


hello sir,
anybody tell me ,
how to write code for opto-triac and how to show voltage increase / decrease on lcd.

You have been asked to tell what do you want to get from the circuit. Instead of that you have posted a video. Really it is not clear to me what function is done by this circuit. Why you keep silent about the working of the circuit? Do you think code for opto-triac is same for all circuits? How silly! Unless you post the requirement and circuit, nobody will able to help you.

The schematic has several mistakes.
Let's start with the optoisolator's LED is reverse biased

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