[SOLVED] how to control VS1003 based mp3 Player board

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Sep 15, 2010
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I have purchased VS1003 chip based SD card mini mp3 player from here :


he board has only Tx/Rx and supply pins. So If I want to control the mp3 player (for example, play, pause, next file, previous file,volume up/down etc.) using UART, what data should I transmit from the external MCU?

I have searched their website, but they haven't provided any documentation on their web site .....

So any one who can help me in this issue......


As far as I know The VS1003 ins controlled by SPI bus

All the best


Yes, but the MP3 player they have made based on the VS1003 chip (see it in the link given above) has only 3 buttons and 4 pins (Tx/Rx and Power Supply). So I think it should be controllable using the UART. I only need to find which commands I need to transmit on the UART to perform various functions.

Hi you,
I already done with VS1003 and SD card, but i use dspic for control.
could you verify your problem? maybe i can help you.


thnx for your reply, but I've already figured it out. I am sorry that I haven't marked the thread as "Solved".

Hi you,
I already done with VS1003 and SD card, but i use dspic for control.
could you verify your problem? maybe i can help you.


Hello Luong,

I am trying to interface with vs1003 using SPI with pic32. Whenever I read any register it returns only zero and DREQ always remains at 0v.

On measuring voltage with multimeter I found GBUF, Left and Right at 0.4v and it gradually increases to 1.2v after like 4-5 minutes.
DREQ always measure 0v and one of the oscillator pin measures 2.6v (pin 18) the other oscillator pin measures 0.3v. I make reset pin high and then start SPI.

can you please tell what could be wrong?


Hello Devil,
When you supply power for Vs1003, DREQ is alway high, it is low when you complete receive data in short time, after that it is high,
when you initialize PIC32, you must initialize that pin of PIC32 is input, should connect it to power by use a resistor. If you asign output and low value, maybe DREQ alway is low.

Maybe your circuit or VS1003 have some problem.
if you want, you can send to me your circuit and your program, my mail is luong.nv1610@gmail.com

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