How to connect the ignition strobe light

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Oct 11, 2021
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I had a very simple chinese strobe light to set ignition timing but accidentaly it got wrapped around the engine fan
All the wires were pulled out and the led got broken.
I've changed the led, but have no clue to what pins should i connect the wires. There are 3 pins and 4 wires. Two of them goes to the thyristor and the other two goes to the battery.
Tried to simulate the wiring in the Multisim, but got no luck. Seems like Multisim is unable to simulate even the simpliest schematic where the thyristor is involved, coz I've always got an error.
Can you please help me to wire it correctly


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"3 pins and 4 wires"? It looks to me like what you've drawn is 7 pins.

If I had to guess, I'd say connect pin 4 to pin 2, pin 5 to pin 7, pin 6 to pin 3. I think pin 1 should also go to pin 6.

I'm not familiar with multisim, but have you tried simulating this with another tool (LTSPICE, TINA, etc.)?
Thank you Barry for help.
Finally found some time to finish it.
Here is the working scheme. Maybe someone will need it, since the cost of it is less than a $10.
It is better to take case with a lens from a flashlight.
Solder a piece of wire or a thin metal plate to the gate of the thyristor. Wrap it all with insulation and then hang it on the spark plug wire.
You can take the LED from the flashlight also


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