how to connect max 232 to gps to get ttl output

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Member level 5
Mar 9, 2012
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I have a gps board which has a gps module. I need to take ttl outputs from the board. But, the problem is the board already has a max 232 ic and the o/p is given to the rs 232 com port.

SO, i brought a max 232 ic board and will connect the rs 232 pin of max 232 to rs 232 of gps board. I need to take rx and tx output from max 232 now to connect it to arduin uno. How do I identify the tx and rx pins on board.

I am posting pictures below.

gps gives ttl output .
you dont need rs232 to communicate mcu to gps.

Sir, the problem is the gps module is soldered to the max 232 ic in the board and output is in the form of rs 232 pin. so i cannot access ttl outputs.

So, I need to connect another max 232 to the rs 232 pin of gps board and I need to take output from the ttl (rx and Tx) output from other max 232.
So, please help in this regrad.

WIll this logic work?

simply connect gps max output to other 232 lever convertor.
connections are as
gps max232 tx to other max232 rx
gps max232 rx to other max232 tx

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