How to connect an EPROM with FPGA in parallel mode?

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Newbie level 6
Dec 13, 2005
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hey !
i hav a project 2 connect an eprom wit an fpga (xc3000 or xc 4000) in parallel mode...
can ne1 gimmie some hints ! or a schematic diagram (if available ) ?
tnx alot...

eprom 'n fpga

Wow, those are old devices.

Does your FPGA need to program the EPROM, or just read it? To read it, you can simply connect all the EPROM address, data, and control pins to the FPGA. You may be able to omit a few control pins, depending on your EPROM type. Those old FPGAs are 5-volt devices, and I assume your EPROM is also.

Re: eprom 'n fpga

Check the xc3000 data sheet from the following link....

**broken link removed**

In page 25, Figure 25 Master Parallel mode will show u what u need.
Hope this will help u.

Re: eprom 'n fpga

thanx alot guys !
i hav another question bout this connection !
when shall the fpga read from the eprom ? jus' when it is biased ? or there some control pin ?
another question,
when the fpga finished reading from the eprom should i disconnecty the eprom ? 'n that program will permenantly saved on the fpga ??

tnx again !

eprom 'n fpga

Do you want to access the EPROM from your FPGA logic, or do you want to configure the FPGA from the EPROM?

FPGA configuration is volatile, so you must configure it after every power-up. After configuation, you can simply leave the EPROM connected, as show in the PDF file that veejaye suggested. That PDF also describes the sequence of events during configuration (search the PDF for the word "configuration").

I'm not sure what you mean by "biased".

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