how to connect 6 heaters to get maximum heating out of them ?

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Sep 2, 2011
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how to connect 6 heaters to get maximum heating out of them ?

case 1:

If all heater are of same value i.e. 17.3 ohms

case 2 :

If out of 6 (six) heaters 3 are of 17.3 ohms & remaining 3 are of 15.6 ohms

what wire type & size should be used for connecting heaters with each other & also for applying power to the heaters ?
Should the heat proof sleeves be used & of what sizes ?


It really depends on your power source's attrbutes. If it's
fixed voltage and unlimited available current, then parallel
them all. If it's constant current and has plenty of voltage
compliance, then series connection.

There's an assumption to be made, about the power system,
which drives most of your figuring. Then there are regulatory
requirements such as your sleeving, which will differ by the
end use - industrial vs consumer, open vs protected, etc.,
and wire size - ambient max temp, open or in conduit, the
current draw which comes from your initial power source and
series / parallel decision and so on.
for both open & also for in conduit .........
no issue for power ......... fixed voltage & unlimited available current

how to connect 6 heaters to get maximum heating out of them ?

case 1:

If all heater are of same value i.e. 17.3 ohms

case 2 :

If out of 6 (six) heaters 3 are of 17.3 ohms & remaining 3 are of 15.6 ohms

what wire type & size should be used for connecting heaters with each other & also for applying power to the heaters ?
Should the heat proof sleeves be used & of what sizes ?


Connecting each heater in delta circuit gives maximum power, presuming it's rated for 380-400 V. Otherwise clarify.
Resistive wire heating element gives maximum power, when U and I have max values.
ie. P = U² / R >> max voltage >> max power.
If element rated voltage is 400V then connect two elements to parallel,
and these three pairs to delta in 3-phase 400V supply.
Power is now SQRT(3)*400*400/(17.3/2) W = 32 kW

case 2.
make 3-phase 400V delta with parallel elements 17.3 and 15.6 ohm.
Power is SQRT(3)*400*400/8.20 W = 33.8 kW

Current in one element is about 25A >> 4...6 mm² Copper wire
Current in dual element is about 50A >> 10...16 mm² Copper wire

Wire types depend on desing
for elements MGT Wire (450 C) or FLAME 1000 Power Cable (450°C)
or 538°C (1000°F) MGR UL 5107 Appliance Lead Wire Cleanstrip Heavy Duty 600 Volt

look High Temperature Wires here...

High Temperature Wire from Allied Wire & Cable

**broken link removed**

25A and 50A are for case 2 or are for case 1 ?
here we are using dual elements ..... means there are about 50 A of current ???
what do you mean by copper wire ? Are you indicating the heat proof wire having copper conductors ?

thanks by the way a lot

If we apply 1 phase to first 2 (1 pair) heaters (heater no 1 & 2) & 2nd phase to 2nd pair heaters (heater no 3 & 4) & 3rd phase to 3 pair heaters (heater no 5 & 6) ......... & connect neutral to the second terminal (end) of all 6 heaters then all the 3 pair of heaters would be connected in ........... ???? Star or delta ........... & what would be the output power & amps ?

Sank Ya

Are you indicating the heat proof wire having copper conductors ?

As I wrote "Wire types depend on desing"
I dont know design and construction of heat-elements or temperature in wire or cable connectors

Star or delta ........... & what would be the output power & amps ?

they are w type heaters ..........

what do you wanna know in the design & construction of heat elements ?
How to measure the temperature in wire or cable connectors ?


You are asking many details without giving much information. "Heaters" can be designed for various applications ranging from low temperature water heaters up to high temperature firing furnaces. Heater material and wires will be quite different.

If you are referring to industrial products, I would expect that the heaters are equipped with clearly specfied connecting wires of sufficient current rating. There may be specila cases where you want to measure temperatures. Methods to measure temperatures will also depend on the application.
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