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How to configure NORDIC semiconductors?

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Dec 10, 2004
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hello i need a help , my problem is english
i still not understand how to configurated product of NORDIC
SEMICONDUCTORS like nRF2402 nRF24E2 , nRF905 , nRF9E5 , really i
not found in datasheets clear and simple description for that ,
where needed connect 3 wire interface ? and which cable i must
use for that ?which STAFF? hardware and software i need for this
, also in circuit diagram for nRF24E2 and nRF9E5 i see
the chip of EEPROM ,it EEPROM needed only for configurated
process and them i can delite it EEPROM ,or i needed to
present in scheme for normal work ,maybe for normal work i
can use this chips without any configuration ? for example
like for nRF401 which i already tested successfully ..THANKS

nrf2401 module

For nrf2401 and nrf24e1 you must send the configuration to the chip.
To configure, you must send all the bits used in the config words, this is you must send serially all the 144 bits of configuration....

See the example on this link:

and you will find how to use.


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nordic eeprom

The difference between 9E5 and 905 for exaple is the existance of x51 microcontroller core. Inside the chip you have only RAM. After Reset the core will load the program from EEPROM. That mean, you can upload not only configuration but an entire program which made very simple your application (frequency hoping algorithm, wireless modem, etc.) For programming this you need only an EEProm programmer and add to your hex the header (three bytes)...

you find here (on development tools section) all the utilityes that you need for do the tasks... h**p://w*

beleve me works great!
hope this help,


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nrf24e1 eeprom timing

well. thanks for all , i try again read datasheets and FAQ on , but what for this EEPROM ? for load program ?ok understood , but this EEPROM needed to be presend in scheme or after i load program and configured all , can i except this EEPROM from scheme ? ( sorry maybe i so stupid but i never working with the programmable circuits , may someone describe step by step what i need to bay and what i need to do ,but before of course i need help to make choice , which one model of chip much better for my purpose , i need send digital signal , but i not sure that the signal is enough clear because it was amplified by pre amplifier and may the form of this signal now is not square it maybe sinusoidal and i afraid this form will not recognized if i enter it on a digital input , as i read the datasheet analog signal like voice ( not coded) i can send only by the nRF24E1 nRF9E5 because they have internal ADC and analog input , the digital signal i can send by the nRF905 nRF2102 , correct me if i wrong , but if for nRF24E1 nRF9E5 needed to be EEPROM present in scheme i prefer use nRF905 hope my signal will recognized like digital . help me please and i will not forget you .. my icq is 265816418 ,thanks

Added after 11 minutes:

For nrf2401 and nrf24e1 you must send the configuration to the chip.
that means for nRF905 nRF2102 not needed any confugure like for nRF401 ? (I need just send digital signal if it possible made the scheme without dibugging or any configurations it well be easy for me )

connecting microcontroller to nrf905

I only worked with the nRF2401 and nRF24E1.
For nRF24E1, you can compile the code for the 8051 uController inside the nRF24E1 using Keil compiler. Then, when you have finally the binary compiled, you must program the eeprom 25lc320 with it binary, then the nRF24E1 reads the eeprom for it and charges the software into its RAM to execute. And works cool.

So, I made a programmer for the 25LC320 too, you can find it here:

Good luck.


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eeprom 2401 scheme

to PENRICO , well i have look a picture of programmer scheme and if i right i must connected it on parallel printer port LPT ? , and quest after i upload the programm can i except the EEPROM from scheme ? i mean the power after i exept the EEPROM from scheme will be switch of and when i again switch on the scheme the chip forget the programm which i upload without EEPROM or not ?.......................... to aNdreiBuuu , can u explain something more about nRF905 ? may i use it without any dibugging configurations ?please step by step

25lc320 programmieren


I really don't understand your problem.... The programmer must be connected to a parallel port, and works only there. The software I made only works in windows 98. The software for nordic nRF24E1 are stored all the time in the serial eeprom, when the nRF24E1 resets, it reads the eeprom and charges the software to its RAM to execute. IF the chip is power down, the software in RAM losses, then when you power it again, the chip reads again the software from eeprom.

I don't work with nRF905 so, I don't know how to use it...


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nrf905 problem

Can the nordic modules use some sort of an internal antennae, say the PCB itself.

As advertised on thier site are only an external resistor and capacitor needed to get them going ?

Where does one get hold of 1 or 2 of these modules any online store ?


read configuration register nrf2401

thanks PENRICO now i understood all about 24E1 ( the little problem is on u software i see on button 2401 not 24E1 ) may it work also for 2401 ? also i suppose i needed some help , may you help me to compose correct HEX file for ? i never working before with the programmable chips ,

read register nrf2401

The configuration software for the RF part of nRF24E1, and the configuration bits for the nRF2401 are the same. In fact, nRF24E1 has inside a nRF2401 module. The difference is that the nRF24E1 has an 8051 uController inside the same chip. If you want to configure a 2401 you must put and external microcontroller to configure the transceiver.

To czpir, see that link:


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nrf9e5 reset nordic problem

that means for 2401 needed external controller to be present in scheme with EEPROM and i can't except external controller from scheme because after power is reset chip can't upload programm from EEPROM ?or for 2401 external EEPROM and controller needed to be present in scheme only when i configurated it ? ( for 24E1 all clear for me now due u Mr.PENRICO kindly help ).. THANKS A LOT ! i hope sometime we meet and drink some beer together ,)

9e5 microcontroller

damn it , answer from regional distrib -Today we can ofer:

nRF2401 stock ( 1 week maximum ) 4.00 EUR / unit
nRF905 Stock ( 1 week maximum ) 4.82 EUR / unit

No stock for nRF24E1 or nRF9E5. 8 weeks lead time.
)))) i can't bay 24E1 goddamn it

nrf905 config

MACRF said:
damn it , answer from regional distrib -Today we can ofer:

nRF2401 stock ( 1 week maximum ) 4.00 EUR / unit
nRF905 Stock ( 1 week maximum ) 4.82 EUR / unit

No stock for nRF24E1 or nRF9E5. 8 weeks lead time.
)))) i can't bay 24E1 goddamn it

Damm i would Kill for 10 nrf2401 modules @ 4EUR / Unit.
But i am private not company , what can i do ???

Uhmm is this just the chip ???


nrf2401 configuration word

Good Afternoon!
I have a problem
I made two boards with 9E5(one for transmit and one for receive data).
Digital parts are working properly (I can read and write the RF-configuration register etc). All I know about RF-part is that when I set the TRX_CE bit to "1" I have 1.8V at VDD_PA pin. But Receiver is not working!!! And I don't understand which part of system doesn't work (TX or RX).
Does anybody have WORKING sources for nRF9E5 and recomendations regarding PROPERLY routing the boards?
Thank you very much!

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