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How to compile Matlab to Xilinx FPGA ?

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
May 18, 2010
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I am currently working on a project which i have to write image processing codes in Matlab and interface it with FPGA embedded board.

Device: Xilinx Spartan 3A DSP FPGA

I am new to both Matlab and Xilinx.

Can someone help me to go about doing this?

How do I make a reference design code for the board? What are the softwares to use?

Can I compile the codes directly from Matlab and interface it to the board? Or do I have to use block diagrams in Simulink?

I have done some research and there are several ways to do it: using SysGen, using Simulink HDL coder, using Xilinx Platform Studio... I am really confused.

Are there any lab tutorials for me to follow?

u r requirement is from matlab u want to dump in to fpga....but i don't think throught xps u can dump...but u can through xilinx ise...i have done once.u have to design blocks in simulink later u need xilinx system generator which converts u r design in to verilog to vhdl code copy that code paste in ise and impact it..this is process i gone...i think this will help u.
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    Points: 2
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I tried doing to same initially because HDL programming appeared far more difficult than MATLAB and because MATLAB code snippets are abundantly available, but i failed horribly at it. The XIlinx system generator does work but only for certain built in functions of MATLAB. It cannot convert ur customized code MATLAB code to Verilog/VDHL.
In my case it was just a lot of waste of time and eventually i started right from scratch on Verilog. I would advise you to avoid the trouble and start straight from HDL. The rest is up to you :) Good luck

Thanks for the replies.

What if I use Simulink HDL Coder? Is it easier and more efficient to use compared to using SysGen and Xilinx ISE?

Dear sir, If have any related material of interfacing Matlab and FPGA please send me(

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