How to communicate AD7714 with the 8051 without Tx,Rx?

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Jan 19, 2006
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AD7714 A-D COnvertor

dear friends

i want to design a simple voltmeter using microcontroller AT80C51.

i am using the AD7714, but i dont know how to use it, i need to comunicate the 8051 with the Pc, thats why i can not use the Tx and Rx like the manual say, how can i comunicate the 8051 with AD7714???

please help me out.


Re: AD7714 A-D COnvertor

First of all look at the marked chip.
An AD7714-3 means it will operate at +2.7 to 3.3v
AD7714-5 ot will operate at +4.75 to 5.25v
You can avoid a lot of surprises when interface with 8051.

Then review a little your application requirements, especially ADC input configuration, reference temperature drift for current desired resolution and so on.

Maloso said:
thats why i can not use the Tx and Rx like the manual say, how can i comunicate the 8051 with AD7714???

"the TX and RX like the manual say" are only just an example in the data sheet for interconecting between 8051 and ADC using mode 0.
But you can preserve your TX and RX lines for conecting with PC serial COM port and use an 8051 with hardware SPI interface.
Or use the what so called bit-bang procedure. an efficient way to do that can find here: **broken link removed**

Then read carefully the AD 7714 data sheet for SPI interface. Through that channel you'll communicate with 8051.

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