The transistor current gain at saturation curves are usually standardized at Ic:Ib ratio of 10:1 for a good reason, which has nothing consistently relevant to the linear hFE or Beta current gain.
Some may be exceptional at 20:1 or 50:1 for the best in
Ultra Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage .
Essentially like the technology used in low RdsOn MOSFETs applied to Bipolar junctions transistors, you can select devices with very low Vce_Sat or now called Rce_sat which is the saturated effective series resistance or
ESR which exists for any diode or transistor being used as a Switch.
For your personal training scrutinize the specification for
this $0.1 part and remember that you can pay extra for "ULtra-Low" Vce-Sat when you need it to reduce power dissipation in a tiny part.
Unless you want to get into Semiconductor Physics and all the patents owned by Diodes Inc (nee Zetex), just accept that it is possible to make them this way with more qualities of low Rce like low RdsOn.
THis means they have much less Miller Capacitance effect but act in current gain mode, unlike MOSFETs which are voltage controlled & require almost no current on or off but huge currents from Miller Capacitance (Cin+Cout) during the transition time only.
Use this as an alternative solution. Very important => Learn to calculate ESR of any diode or saturated transistor from the Vce Saturation curves in old designs such as **broken link removed** and learn to locate the parameters in new transistor designs
Hard to locate but on "MMBT3904" Figure 2, Vce vs Ic @Ic/Ib=10 at the end of the curve the slope is around 1.6 Ohms, whereas on new transistors with "ultra low" Vce(Sat) or equivalent Rce or delta Vce/Ice on Vce sat curves or as I like to call it the ESR of a switched transistor.
Instead of 10 or 1 Ohm this DSS20201L-7 part is only 35 mΩ.