The general method is to solve the maxwell equations for the choosen antenna geometry and optimize the parameters.
Most people will use a numerical EM solver like HFSS for this purpose. You didn't yet mention antenna geometry, if it's fixed or supposed to be varied for optimal antenna performance. I guess, you are targetting to an electrical small antenna.
FvM,jiripolivka and biff44 very much for your help.
I also used HFSS for my simulation. My antenna is a rectangular loop antenna with length=Lambda at 403.5MHz.
jiripolivka said, I know experiments are very good ways to approach problems. But my present stage is at simulation. I want to choose a insulator with suitable dielectric constant for implanted antenna to get the highest radiated frequency.
biff44 and some papers mentioned, higher dielectric constant will make less reflection. But Whether or not radiated power increase with higher dielectric constant?
In the beginning, I also think that less reflection results in higher radiated power. For example, at 403.5MHz, tissue have dielectric constant=42, and conductivity =0.64 S/m. And choosing insulator with dielectric constant=42 will have higher radiated power than insulator with dielectric constant =1 (Vaccuum).
But when I use HFSS to simulate and calculate radiation frequency, the efficiency of vacuum insulator is higher that the efficiency of insulator with dielectric constant =42. I tried many times but the result is the same. Is this possible that my method for simulation and calculation of efficiency is wrong?
Does this issue relate to distribution of E and H field? When simulating, I see that with vacuum insulator, I have higher H field magnitude than others while E field magnitude is almost the same in free space (Outside of body phantom). I measure E and H field on a same line when changing the dielectric constant of insulator. And this result lead to a higher efficiency in the case of vacuum insulator?
By the way, can I ask how to increase the magnitude of H field of an antenna (changing type of antenna, dielectric...)? Because H-field is more stable than E field in body enviroment?
Many thanks!