How to change the direction of a dc motor ?

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Hello Raza,

it's not necessary to know the useage and the type of motor, because the question was a simple circuit for the changing of the direction.

A motor in a small tape recorder or a walkman is also a DC motor. If you simply change the supply polarity the spinning direction of the motor will change. So it is very easy why to make complex circuitry and extended arrangements?

The original post mentioned the terms "field wires" and "armature wires".

So anyone familiar with electrical engineering drives has enough information about the motor type (a permanent magnet DC motor has no field wires).

But the discussion revealed that many edaboard members are not familiar with electrical drives. In so far I agree that it would be better to describe the motor type more clearly. It had possibly avoided some effort in writing answers that are unrelated to the original problem.

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