Trying to understand spice models to make a new model for ltspice. Not
understand so looked at existiing ones. Spice model to Fairchild
datasheet for 2N3904 is
NPN (Is=6.734f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=74.03 Bf=416.4 Ne=1.259 Ise=6.734
Ikf=66.78m Xtb=1.5 Br=.7371 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=1 Cjc=3.638p Mjc=.3085
Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=4.493p Mje=.2593 Vje=.75 Tr=239.5n Tf=301.2p Itf=.4
Vtf=4 Xtf=2 Rb=10)
Spice model to ltspice for same transistor is
NPN(IS=1E-14 VAF=100 Bf=300 IKF=0.4 XTB=1.5 BR=4 CJC=4E-12 CJE=8E-12
RB=20 RC=0.1 RE=0.1 TR=250E-9 TF=350E-12 ITF=1 VTF=2 XTF=3 Vceo=40
Icrating=200m mfg=Philips)
Some parameters are not in both. Even ones that are in both are
different in each one. Not understand what any mean but anyway eg
Ise=6.734 in Fairchild yet Ise not exist in ltspice model. Is=6.734f
in Fairchild yet Is=1E-14 in ltspice.
If I get model to data sheet how to make into ltspice model?
Spice model for MPSA42 from Fairchild is this
NPN (Is=34.9f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=100 Bf=2.65K Ne=1.708 Ise=16.32p
Ikf=23.79m Xtb=1.5 Br=9.769 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=7 Cjc=14.23p Mjc=.5489
Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=49.62p Mje=.4136 Vje=.75 Tr=934.3p Tf=1.69n Itf=5
Vtf=20 Xtf=150 Rb=10)
How to make into ltspice model?
How it works?