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I'm little confused by calculation method of a Zener diode power according to IEC60079-11 (intrinsically safe devices) !
To simplify my question, I just sent a sample schematic here :
I know in how to calculate the power of the zener in normal conditions, but in ATEX world, many things change !
and I also know that allowable wattage of a zener diode depends on it's thermal resistance and junction temperature, ambient temperature and considering safety factors ...
for example a 5W nominal zener diode maybe be only 2W after considering above calculations.
My question is how to calculate the power dissipated at the simple schematic I sent "according to ATEX".
Method 1:
Vin - Vz = 12 - 8 = 4V = Vr
Iz = Ir = 4/10 = 0.4A
Pz = Vz * Iz = 8 * 0.4 = 3.2W
considering 1.5 factor for ia, Pz will be 3.2W * 1.5 = 4.8W
Method 2:
Pz = Isc * Vz
Isc (Current at zener diode point in short circuit condition) = Vin / R = 12/10 = 1.2A
Pz = 1.2A * 8V = 9.6W
considering 1.5 safety factor for ia, Pz will be 9.6W * 1.5 = 14.4W
I know according to general electronics, Method 1 is right, but who are familiar with ATEX rules know that many things are different there and mostly the worst onerous conditions are considered.
I myself think according to the standard, Method 1 is right, but the problem is that the certification lab engineer which I'm working with says Method 2 is right !
(I know in the standard it's mentioned to consider short circuit current for semiconductors and Diodes (like Method 2) - but for Zener Diode it says to calculate power dissipation in zener mode which will be Method 1).
Thank you
I'm little confused by calculation method of a Zener diode power according to IEC60079-11 (intrinsically safe devices) !
To simplify my question, I just sent a sample schematic here :
I know in how to calculate the power of the zener in normal conditions, but in ATEX world, many things change !
and I also know that allowable wattage of a zener diode depends on it's thermal resistance and junction temperature, ambient temperature and considering safety factors ...
for example a 5W nominal zener diode maybe be only 2W after considering above calculations.
My question is how to calculate the power dissipated at the simple schematic I sent "according to ATEX".
Method 1:
Vin - Vz = 12 - 8 = 4V = Vr
Iz = Ir = 4/10 = 0.4A
Pz = Vz * Iz = 8 * 0.4 = 3.2W
considering 1.5 factor for ia, Pz will be 3.2W * 1.5 = 4.8W
Method 2:
Pz = Isc * Vz
Isc (Current at zener diode point in short circuit condition) = Vin / R = 12/10 = 1.2A
Pz = 1.2A * 8V = 9.6W
considering 1.5 safety factor for ia, Pz will be 9.6W * 1.5 = 14.4W
I know according to general electronics, Method 1 is right, but who are familiar with ATEX rules know that many things are different there and mostly the worst onerous conditions are considered.
I myself think according to the standard, Method 1 is right, but the problem is that the certification lab engineer which I'm working with says Method 2 is right !
(I know in the standard it's mentioned to consider short circuit current for semiconductors and Diodes (like Method 2) - but for Zener Diode it says to calculate power dissipation in zener mode which will be Method 1).
Thank you