I don't know if I am right but here is what I think :
You can use an antenna which uses the metallic part of the container as a ground plane (monopole, IFA like) for better results
If you replace the antenna A1 by the wire, the capacitor can be a way to miniaturize the antenna (Scardelletti, M. C., Ponchak, G. E., Merritt, S., Minor, J. S., & Zorman, C. A. (2008, January). Electrically small folded slot antenna utilizing capacitive loaded slot lines).
If it is the case, you should measure the antenna at its terminal (port 1) and at the capacitor (port 2). You can add this S2P in a circuit and vary the capacitor value placed at port 2 to see its impact on the resonance. You can mathematically formulate this using characteristics modes analysis
Do you have references to the circuits where you saw this ?