How to calculate exactly the filtering capacitor for rectification

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There is a simple equation about this problem.

dU= I/2fC

where dU is peak to peak ripple,
I is load current,
f is operating frequency and
C is capacitor volume in Farad.
In this way you can choose ripple amplitude and from equation estimate
capacitor volume. For example if you have 1A current, running on 50Hz AC and capacitor
4700uF, ripple will be

dU= 1/(2*50*0.0047)= 2.12V.

You should try to minimize the ripple voltage, considering the size and value of the capacitor...
here is a simple formula for calculating the value of capacitor:
C= I/2FV
C is capacitance in Farads
I is current
F is frequency
V is maximum ripple.
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