how to build a hand-winding electrical generator?

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Newbie level 2
May 30, 2007
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how to make windings for a generator

I would like to build my own hand-winding electric generator. The kind that generates electrical power from the winding of a handle.

Are there any instructional guides or videos that are very simple and easy to follow? please take into account that i do not have much knowledge of electronics, mechanics or science and that I do not have access to machinery so i can only use basic tools and components.


how to make a hand generator

mmm perhaps you won't understand why is neccesary certain knowledge about basic laws electricity I mean lenz, elecromagnetic flux, etc...
is necesary to build what you want

science hobbyist electric generator

what do u mean?

just because i don't have an understanding of how it works doesn't mean i can't make it. I'm sure a lot of car mechanics have no idea about the science behind it all but they can still put it all together. If the guide is proper and good then there should be no problem.

winding of genrators

I have a hand torch that does not need batteries to power three white leds. There is a lever that when is pushed down inside the torch spins (via gears arrangement) some coils around a magnetic field and generates electricity which is rectified and stored in a capacitor (low voltage high capacitance).
There is also another kind of torch, where a magnet (neodymium i think) is shackled inside a cylinder with some coils. The magnetic field movement around the coil generates the electric current and it is stored again in a capacitor to power leds.
Some time ago I saw a project of hand generator using a stepper motor, some diodes and capacitors. You spin the motor axis and voltage is available in the wire terminals, just connect some diodes to rectify and store it in capacitors or batteries.

how to make a simple electric generator

wind be with you :
**broken link removed**

windings needed to make a generator

Hi Eonnn,

Hope these guys didn't discuraged you out of the project.

If I was to do this project, I would start with a small permanet magnet DC motor. You can find them in motorized toys, or even at your local Radio Shack.
If you connect the two leads of the DC motor to a volt meter and spin the motor, you should see spikes of voltage reading.

Now, you want to spin the motor fairly fast to get decent power out of them, so you will need some sort of gearing to increase the speed of crank. Once again motorized toys are good source of plastic gears.

That's all there's to it. You probably won't get it as compact as the store purchased unit, but hey, it's the satisfaction of seeing something you made work...

I would read up on these:

Play around with it, and have fun. If you get stuck on something research and ask again. Usually you get better response if you ask specific questions... like "How do I convert AC voltage coming out of my generator to DC" rather then very general and open ended "Tell me how generator work?"

winding a generator coil

good enouragement from you rowoski. i liked the way you did goa about the issue.

Added after 4 minutes:

the basic principle is when a conductor cuts a magnetic flux an emf is induced in the conductor. it is this induced emf that makes electric current to flow. but the basic thing there is that. it is due to the relative motion of the conductor and field.

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